New-generation warranty-friendly CAN adapter for contactless access to CAN bus data
Now the device reads up to 100% of available CAN data in 1,000 kb/s
Know exactly if you had installed the adapter properly to define when the data is being transmitted
No physical wire connections, the original wires are intact to make sure you keep the car warranty
New, stronger, and more robust casing, which improves the longevity of the device
Supported by
LV-CAN200, ALL-CAN300, FMX650, FMB140, FMB240, FMX150, FMX250
Input voltage range
10–30 V DC
Power consumption
At 12 V < 1,7 mA (Standby)
At 12 V < 7,5 mA (Working)
Operating temperature (without battery)
-40°C to +85°C
Operating humidity
Max 85% non-condensing
39.0 x 19.0 x 12.0 mm (L x W x H)
16,1 g
Standard package contains
Standard order codes