WEB TACHO is a dedicated platform to automate remote tachograph download and assure regulation compliance.
Register drivers, create custom schedules, authorise company cards remotely and store the information in the cloud. Combine your Professional devices with WEB TACHO and forget about manual tachograph data retrieval.
Set up individual or company remote download schedules that perfectly fit both compliance requirements and fleet operations. Monitor the download status and the connections with the vehicles.
Use dedicated authorisation app to connect single or multiple company cards remotely. WEB TACHO supports smart card hosting solutions to help you scaling your operations.
Save tachograph files in DDD, TGD or V1B and C1B formats to respect local legislation. Store the information in cloud or set up FTP server synchronisation.
Create sub accounts to manage multiple companies and users. Distribute vehicles and drivers between companies to set up access rights and secure personal information.
WEB TACHO supports all Teltonika PROFESSIONAL category telematics devices.